FAQs for Prospective Parents

FAQs for Prospective Parents

  1. Embracing Diversity: At Our Lady of the Rosary, we cherish diversity and warmly welcome families from all walks of life. While we hold Catholic teachings dear, we honour and respect all beliefs, fostering a harmonious community where everyone feels valued.
  2. Community Involvement: While local community engagement is encouraged, we extend our arms to families beyond our catchment area, embracing a wider circle of inclusion and belonging.
  3. Enrolment Flexibility: Whether you’re planning well in advance or making a last-minute decision, our doors are always open. While early Kindergarten enrolments ensure a smooth transition, we understand that life happens, and we’re here to support you whenever you’re ready to join us.
  4. Financial Support: We understand the financial commitment of education and strive to make it accessible for all families. Explore our fee schedule to learn about our supportive sibling discounts and financial assistance options.
  5. Curriculum Enrichment: Our curriculum, aligned with the NSW Education Standards Authority, is infused with the richness of Religious Education, offering a holistic learning experience that nurtures both mind and spirit.
  6. Holistic Development: Beyond academics, we provide a vibrant array of lunchtime activities catering to diverse interests, ensuring that every child’s unique talents and passions are nurtured and celebrated.
  7. Inclusive Support: Our commitment to inclusive education extends to comprehensive support for diverse learners, including gifted students and those with special needs. Every child is embraced and empowered to thrive.
  8. Creating a Safe Haven: Bullying has no place in our community. With policies rooted in Catholic values and resilience-building programs, we cultivate a safe and nurturing environment where every child feels respected, supported, and cherished. To learn more, click here>> https://www.olrwyomingdbb.catholic.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Anti-Bullying-Guidelines-Our-Lady-of-the-Rosary-Catholic-School-Wyoming.pdf

Couldn’t find what you were looking for? Please let us know if you have any more questions, we are always happy to have a chat and we would love to talk more about how our school can cater for your child.