Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most commonly asked questions from prospective parents.  

Do I need to be of Catholic Faith to enrol?

No! We are very proud to be an inclusive community with students and staff from a wide range of backgrounds, including non-Catholic and non-religious backgrounds, and only ask you support us in teachings of the Catholic Faith.

We welcome applications from all families seeking a Catholic education for their children that share a commitment to our school values of respect, justice, hope and personal best, which help establish and protect our Christ-centred environment.

Do I need to be in the catchment area?

While being local allows you to fully embrace the community around our school, we are open to accepting enrolment applications outside a traditional catchment area.

Have I left it too late to enrol?

It’s never too late! At Our Lady of the Rosary, we accept enrolments for Kindergarten to Year 6 all year round, with limited availability in selected classes.

If you are looking to enrol into Kindergarten, we strongly encourage families to submit their applications by June the year before they commence, to help ensure the enrolment process is completed before Kindy transition starts in the second half of the year. We understand this cannot always be achieved and welcome enrolments for Kindy at any time of year.

Find out more about the enrolment process or contact us with if you have any further enquiries. 

How much are the school fees?

They are not as expensive as you may think. Every family is supported financially and encouraged to apply. We provide sibling discounts for second and third children enrolled across the Diocese, with fourth and subsequent children able to attend for free! Take a look at the Our Lady of the Rosary, Wyoming Fee Schedule 2023 – note this does not incorporate any sibling discounts.

What curriculum is offered in Catholic schools? 

Catholic schools offer the same curriculum as government and independent schools across the state as determined by NSW Education Standards Authority. Additionally, Religious Education is also provided as part of every student’s course of study.  

The Diocese secondary schools offer a broad choice of subjects, including Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses. Our subject selection processes are designed to maximise student choice and cater for students’ needs. 

Does your school offer any extra curricular activities?

Yes! We offer a number of optional lunch time classes for students that support academic, creative, social and sporting opportunities. Find out more by taking a look at our extra curricular page.

What about diverse learners and students with special needs?  

Catholic School Broken Bay school system is proud of its comprehensive and inclusive support of diverse learners, including gifted students and students with a range of other special needs.  

Various specific support services for students with special needs are available, including:  

  • Consultation services for class teachers to assist them in the provision of reasonable adjustments for students with special needs 
  • Services to students with hearing and vision impairment 
  • Special education services to assist schools develop and implement an inclusive model of support for students with disabilities 
  • Transition planning support for students with disabilities. A variety of support is also offered to cater for students of different abilities, including twice exceptional and gifted and talented students.

Secondary schools also offer a range of extra-curricular activities including debating and public speaking, chess, Duke of Edinburgh Award, mock trial, music, eisteddfods, a wide range of sports and involvement in community action and social justice groups. 

What is your approach to bullying?

Catholic Schools Broken Bay (CSBB) expect high standards of student behaviour and appearance. Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic School Wyoming Anti-Bullying Guidelines outlines our policies and procedures relating to behaviour management and anti-bullying, which is informed by the Catholic Schools Broken Bay’s Pastoral Care and Student Wellbeing Policy and Anti-Bullying Policy, both of which can be found on CSBB website.

These policy’s and associated programs are based firmly on Catholic values and focus on building quality relationships and fostering resilience. School expectations, standards and procedures are outlined within these policies, addressing matters such as school rules, responsibilities, reward systems, support structures, programs and services. Each school is committed to creating a safe and supportive learning community for its students, staff and families. 


Couldn’t find what you were looking for? Please let us know if you have any more questions, we are always happy to have a chat and we would love to talk more about how our school can cater for your child.