Pastoral Care

Our Lady of the Rosary is a KidsMatter school that focuses on respectful relationships and the children’s wellbeing.

Our school’s Pastoral Care is based on respect and dignity of the human person.

Pastoral Care grounds the school’s Mission Statement in the quality of our daily relationships. The ways in which people interact with each other in the daily life of the school significantly affects each person’s sense of well-being, identity and self-worth. Everyone in the school community has a responsibility to foster quality interpersonal relationships amongst teachers, students, parents, support staff, priests and parish communities.

OLR endeavours to provide to all, the experience of high quality interpersonal relationships of care and support. Thus each member is both a provider and recipient of Pastoral Care.

As a school community, OLR responds with increasing sensitivity to the social and cultural diversity of its members. It is in and through Pastoral care that much can be done to promote, respect and support such things as diverse family structures, different ways of giving expression to Christian faith, and awareness of cross-cultural issues. School policies and practices are respectful of the dignity, rights and fundamental freedoms of individual students and provide learning opportunities for individual students which are responsive to their unique needs for growth and fulfillment.

Programs which promote and assist positive social interactions and behaviours at OLR;

Our school is a “Positive Behaviour for Learning” (PBL) school.
Our School Values are “Hope, Justice, Respect and Personal Best”

OLR actively participates in regular WorryWoo programmes and activities.  The WorryWoo Programme, developed by Dr John Irvine, is aimed at developing children’s emotional awareness and understanding in an interactive, meaningful and safe way.  The programme capitalises on children’s learning through the teacher and from each other and is termed social interactive learning.

More information on WorryWoos TM Please read the document: PBL Values Please visit external website: KidsMatter Please visit external website: Parent Line NSW